How's Your Balance?
Your One-Stop Wholistic Healing Stop
Art readings Breathwork nutrition
Yoga Meditation Reiki Sound Healing

Welcome Friends
Greetings Friend, I'm Sue Webber, Big Red, or Annapurna. Nice to virtually meet you.
Welcome to Big Red Balancing, my one-stop wholistic healing shop, where Spirituality and Science meet!
Over the past 15 years I have exlplored, studied, and practiced a miriad of modalities in the world of wholistic healing. My studies have included modern medicine and science, classical Yoga and Aryveda, in tandem with energy healing practices from many ancient wisdom traditions. I've embraced the sprituality of my Christian upbringing, in communion with Native American Shamanism, and HIndu Ashram living. I've earned the quivilant of a PhD in Wholistic Healing Arts, and have a passion for sharing with others, through art, storytelling, energy healing, sound healing, breath, movement, meditaion, readings, nutrition, and The Yoga Classroom series - where Spirituality and Science meet.
My Calling
With certifications in Yoga, Meditation, Sound Healing, Breathwork, Reiki, Shamanism, Cooking, Art and my endless bag of mystical gifts, I am called to hold sacred space, and empower others by facilitating healing, clearings, and clarity to help anyone navigate wholistic self-healing, and explore their own unique mystical gifts.
I customize all healings, readings and teachings to your uniqueness. Whether you simply want to buy a beautiful piece of healing art, have a mind blowing sound healing session, experience a psychic card reading for clarity, need a healthy new recipe, or want to become a certified Reiki Master, Big Red Balancing is your one-stop wholistic healing shop. No cookie-cutter programs here, as I love to embrace the Artists, Yogis, Teachers, Healers, Musicians, Shamen, Mystics, Poets, Adventurers and Peace Warriors of the world, equally.
I am here to help heal The Earth, and the Children of The Earth.
Never above, nor ever below,
Coming together, to remember our Glow.
experience & certifications
Intuitive Artist
Reiki Master
Energy Healer
Sound Healer
Breath Facilitator
Meditation Specialist
Advanced Yoga Teacher
Kids & Family Yoga Teacher
Chair Yoga Teacher
Published Author
Wholistic Yacht Chef
Adventurer Extrordinaire
Breathwork Certificate 2021 - Yoga with Shawna, Imperial Beach, CA
Sound Healing Certificate 2020 - Yoga with Shawna, Imperial Beach, CA
Reiki Master Certificate 2019 - Yoga with Shawna, Imperial Beach, CA
300 hr Advanced Yoga Teaching Certificate 2016 - Intergrative OM, San Diego, CA
Kids Yoga Teaching Certificate 2014 - Zen Warriors, Ocean Beach, CA
Tween Yoga Teaching Certificate 2013 - Mini Yogis, Ocean Beach, CA
Chair Yoga Teaching Certificate 2012 - Sivananda Asharam, Paradise Island, The Bahamas
Yoga w/ Weights Teaching Certificate 2010 - Corepower Yoga, Pacific Beach, CA
200 hr Vinyasa Yoga Teaching Certificate 2009 - Corepower Yoga, Point Loma, CA
STCW Marine Certificate 2009 & 2004 - San Diego Maritime Institute, Point Loma, CA
French Cuisine & Culture Certificate 2004 - Institute of Paul Bocuse, Ecully, France
Journalism w/ Advertising Emphasis, Art Minor 1987 - San Digo State University, CA

My Story
It's about the Journey,
not the Destination.
In 2009 my life imploded in three short weeks with the tragic deaths of my Yacht Captain, a dear friend, and my Mom.
I was left untethered from anything that was familiar, and asking the timeless question, "Why am I here?"

In 2018, I wrote and published my Amazon e-book "The Art of Being Mystical - An Adventure in Healing and Spiritual Awakening". My eclectic journey takes you from Yachts to Yoga, turning my mad mad mad muggle world into a magical universe of animal spirit guides, angels, and energy healing. As I explore the Carribean, the Mediteranean, the Galapagos Islands, and Alaska, I share fantastically exciting adventures, with real life ghost stories. After each story, I share simple life tools that enabled me to ultimately transmute crippling PTSD into transformational PTSG - Post Traumatic Stress GROWTH. And like the Grinch on Christmas morning, my heart finally broken free of it's darkness, and into the luminous light of love, and wholistic healing. However, my Great Remembering into consciousness, had only just begun. My book was merely foreplay. These past 6 years have been the real testing grounds of my inner strength, sanity, and faith, as every single belief I had about our human experience was obliterated, along with every single relationship. No Exceptions.
While I'd finally come out of the psychic closet, and began sharing my gifts, teachings, and art with students, my spiritual initiation was far from over. In 2020 my Dad died on the 11th year anniversary of my Mom's death, COVID hit, and my life continued to look and feel like a never ending roller coaster ride of trauma.
From grief after grief, addiction to abuse, from hopelessness to homelessness, rage to ravaged, disease to distress, depression to anxiety, from suicide to solitude, my intitiation into consciousness, finalliy escalated into a complete nervous breakdown. I discovered that a real Spiritual Awakening feels and looks the same as a psychotic break. Once I finally accepted, and ascended these mental and emotional hurdles, I thought I was back on track, but there were a few more major mountains to climb before finding the balance on top of my Oregon oasis in the trees this past year. I am so excited to be working with clients again, and stepping into my calling full time!
Through Sound Healing, Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, Art, Breathwork and my endless bag of Mystical Gifts, I am called to hold sacred space, and empower others by facilitating healing and clarity. My healing journey started with the Mind Body connection, and CONSTANT GRATITUDE. I believe all dis-ease, dis-orders and dis-stress are connected physically, emotionally and mentally. I work with the Whole BEing, for truly Wholeistic and lasting healing. Personal harmony begins by looking at seven key aspects I feel are essential to living, and staying in balance. I meet and accept you fully, where ever you are on your personal Journey, and let you decide what you want to work on, and how you desire to achieve:
Your perfect Breath
Your perfect Movement
Your perfect Nutrition
Your perfect Relaxation
Your perfect Meditation
Your perfect Purpose
Your perfect cOMmUNITY
Follow me as I continue to share the exciting stories of travel from the past 3 years and 30,000 miles in my thirty year old yacht on wheels, m/y Big Red. Together we've had great adventures as we summited Mt Whitney, Boondocked in Sedona, Worked in Colorado, Camped in Wisconsin, and how my job in Moab led me home to the place I belong, and back to the first stop on my REvival Roadtrip. Country roads have truly led my hOMe
Thank you to all the beings I've had the honor to share life's lessons with. Thank you to all family and friends - past, present, and future. May we all be supported, and loved as we grow with grace and ease, and heal in body, mind and spirit.
Blessings of Love, Light & Laughter
Sue Webber, Big Red
January 2024